"WTF scrolling" and a Pelaton hack. IT's quite the combo.

525,600 minutes in a year, guys (any Rent fans out there?). That’s it.
I was doing a Pelaton ride today and this song came on. First of all, it was the “All for One More” ride if anyone wants to try it, super inspiring and possibly slightly cheesy. But like, in the best way. Secondly,it’s not an actual Pelaton bike. I found a hack on Pinterest for setting up the Pelaton experience for less. You guys are shopping, but not “mama bought herself a $2,300 exercise bike” shopping 🤣.
I’ve always loved this song, and today it totes made me cry (as did the exhaustion in my legs but that’s a story for another time). Shit is just weird right now. STILL. We are all feeling it. In the midst of all this weirdness, instead of focusing on all the amazing things I do have in my life, I find myself wasting a butt ton of time “WTF scrolling” on social media. What is “WTF scrolling”, you ask? It’s the nasty ass cousin of “doom scrolling” and I made it up. I mean, not the action, but the name. I feel like it could also be called “disgust scrolling”, “rage scrolling”, “I can’t believe she just posted that” scrolling...you get the idea. I am ACTIVELY SEEKING OUT THINGS THAT MAKE ME FEEL WORSE. Like...why? 🤦🏻♀️
So when I was sweating my eyeballs out and this song came on, it hit me in the face. I am fully wasting far too much time looking for things online that will enrage me, and I’m done. I’m still going to be pissed about things, but in a writing my elected officials, voting, and speaking up kind of way.
So...that’s it. What’s new with you? 😂
I got so many emails and DMs asking about the Pelaton hack, that I wanted to share it here with you guys. I did this back in May and have been super happy with my set up!
I first came across the idea screwing around online after a friend of mine had shown me her new set up. I was CRAVING a spin class, but everything was obviously shut down. I even entertained financing a Pelaton bike, but delivery was 8+ weeks out and I'm more of a Veruca Salt kind of gal when I get an idea in my head. I hopped on Amazon and found myself a cheaper bike with good reviews that was able to ship sooner (I still had to wait a week or so, but I survived lol). This bike has turned out to be great! My only "complaint" is that there is no display for your resistance. This doesn't matter terribly because even if there was the number would be different than the number the instructor calls out (Pelaton bikes have a resistance specific to them), but it still bugs me a little. This bike has the option to install clips or use the cages, so that is nice as well.
The original Pelaton hack post also called out needing a cadence sensor so that you can monitor your RPMs. This is a must have. Knowing your RPMs allows you to know if you are in the right resistance range as well. If the instructor calls out a resistance of 35-45 (remember, you don't have a monitor showing your resistance numbers OR your resistance numbers don't match Pelaton's) and a cadence of 80-100, and you are flying at 110, you know you need to turn that knob up a little. Make sense?
The final thing is getting the actual Pelaton classes streaming to your phone/tablet/TV (I chose the latter), and it's the easiest part. Yay! You can get the Pelaton app for 12.99/month. If you actually have one of their bikes it's like $35/mo and only runs on the screen attached to the bike, I believe. Weird, right? My specific bike has a small stand that I could prop a phone or tablet on, and I'm pretty sure Amazon has attachments for that as well. I wanted the classes to be on my big TV though, and at the time, the only way to do that was via an Amazon Fire TV Stick. It was easy enough, and not too pricey. Now, however, if you have a Roku or Roku TV you can get the app on there and it cuts out a step and saves you $40. Oh! The Pelaton app has ALL KINDS of classes. The HIIT classes are some of the best I've taken (if you know me you know I've spent most of my life sweating my ass off), and there are even stretching classes. It's pretty rad.
That was basically all I did. You can go more in depth (a mat for under the bike, something close by to put the light hand weights on that are used in some classes, a little fan to attach to the bike etc), but that's totes up to you.
For those of you who asked, I hope this was helpful!
Happy riding!