Want to make your customers happy?
Then you should probably fill out this form and start selling Jamison Rae. We're not the boss of you or anything, but...
We are super nice, and we like you a bunch already!
STEP 1 Please fill out the inquiry form below. In the "message" section, briefly give us the details of your biz. This should at least include the business name and address, but feel free to throw in favorite pizza toppings, if you're a dog or cat person, what your magical unicorn name would be if you were in fact a magical unicorn.
STEP 2 While anxiously waiting for approval (you're good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn it people like you!), you may create your very own wholesale account login. To do so, please click the profile silhouette in the top right of your screen at jamisonraejewelry.com and follow the directions. We will notify you when your account is up and running. You've got this!